This is it, I have circumnavigated the world in my own airplane.
- The Hobbs meter is showing exactly 100 hours from departure on May 11 returning on July 31.
- Average ground speed 291.6 kts and 28971 nm flown.
- All in working order with the exception of the co-pilot windshield heater rheostat.
- 45 flights, landings and takes-off.
- 29 countries, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, U.K., Spain, Gibraltar, Morocco, Malta, Greece, Turkey. Jordan, Bahrain, Dubai, Oman, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Russia, Siberia, USA
- 83 days ( including the stop in Oshkosh)
- New Friends for life
- Memories for a life time
- Souvenirs from many places ( a full Jeep Cherokee from the airport to home)
These are the different charts to look at the journey, regardless they are all very impressive